A Sign of the Times

In the first half of this year, the Lord spoke to me, “Watch the volcanoes in Indonesia, and large bodies of land & water near those volcanoes. Pay attention and watch their movement. When the dormant volcanoes of this land begin to move (erupt), it’s going to be sign of movement in the spiritual realm.”

Shortly after this word from the Lord, a string of volcanic eruptions began to occur across the Indonesian archipelago – Mount Merapi erupted several times in May, Mount Agung in June, Mount Krakatau in June, July & September. There has also been a line of tsunami and earthquakes in recent months.

As I pressed in to the Lord about what all of this meant, the Lord began to show me that the “awakening” of these volcanoes was a reflection of spiritual activity. One of those reasons was that the earth was groaning & crying out for the revealing of His sons & daughters. The Lord also began to reveal to us practical strategies that we needed to partner with Him in restoring the land of Indonesia to her destiny – the destiny the land was crying out for.

As I’ve sat on this over the past few months, I heard the Lord say that this was to be a sign to the rest of the world as well. The following is what I sense He had to say to nations.

Part 1: Land: A Living Prophecy

I heard the Lord say, “See where the sea flows, watch where the wind blows.”

The earth itself groans for the revealing of My sons & daughters (Romans 8:19). My children were meant to take dominion over land, to tend and nurture and lead as Kings on this earth. Because so many of My children have not recognized their authority & responsibility, there has been a mass abdication.. and in their silence the rocks are crying out.

The time is now. My children must arise and take ownership of the destiny of their nation.

The movement of land, sea, and wind is a testament to you: The earth cries out for My sons & daughters to take their rightful place. If they will not do it, even the stones will not stay silent.

The land cries out to see her destiny fulfilled, and this applies to every nation on this earth. Every nation has her unique destiny, and her people have their unique responsibility to disciple their nation into the purposes of God.

Watch your land, carefully observe the movements in the earth of your nation. These movements will be living prophecies to you. Seek the Lord to be like the sons of Issachar, who knew the times & seasons AND knew what they had to do in their generation!

Part 2: End Time Army: Fight The Nephilim

The movement of the earth is meant to awaken My children and shake My church from her slumber. I have sounded the clarion call for My end time army to assemble. Who will hear Me? Who will say “yes”?

“After being made alive, He (Jesus) went and made PROCLAMATION to the imprisoned spirits – to those who were disobedient long ago when God waited patiently in the days of Noah.” – 1 Peter 3: 19 & 20

The spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus. The testimony of Jesus is the proclamation of His death, resurrection, and victory!

This is going to be so needed in the last days. As the days get darker, My children will shine brighter. In the days of the nephilim, there was much evil, debauchery, idolatry, and demonic activity… but in those days I raised up My son Noah, who was righteous in His generation and triumphed over all the evil in his land.

These are like the days of Noah, with many giving themselves to feasting, drinking, and satisfying the flesh. The fear of the Lord is heard little of. But I am raising an end time army to defeat the Nephilim once more!

You are living testaments of Jesus. You are living prophecies! As you go about your daily life, your footsteps around your city are literally proclaiming the testimony of Jesus. Oh, that more of My children would realize the tremendous power they hold to bring good to their land!

My children, be conscious about proclaiming the testimony of Jesus – His death, resurrection, and victory – in your daily life.

Where the enemy has planted fear, you must seed faith. Where there is apathy, you must seed truth and fire. Where there has been unrighteousness, sow righteousness and love. Do not tire of doing good, for you will reap a harvest in due time if you do not give up.

Every conversation, every thought, every choice you make, every relationship you have.. let it be a proclamation of My glory in your sphere of earth.

The 1) prophecy of the land must give rise to 2) the testimony of Jesus.

This is how My end time army will fight and win!

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See Past Your Giants Into Your Promised Land

As we stepped into 2018, I kept hearing these words, “Overcoming the giants”.

The Lord began to show me that for many of His people, as you stepped into 2018, it’s like the floodgates have been unleashed and you’re facing one challenge and discouraging setback after another. This has seemed to be in direct contradiction to the hope & great promises you expected for 2018, and these giants have caused many to wonder, “What on earth is going on?”

I sensed the Lord say, “My people need to look past their giants and see the Promised Land is just beyond. They need to have their eyes opened to see that the commander of the hosts of angels is with them, and they are surrounded by angel armies.”

See, I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you along the way and to bring you to the place I have prepared... I will send the hornet ahead of you to drive the Hivites, Canaanites and Hittites out of your way. But I will not drive them out in a single year, because the land would become desolate and the wild animals too numerous for you. Little by little I will drive them out before you, until you have increased enough to take possession of the land. Exodus 23: 20 – 30

The giants you’ve been facing have been allowed there by God because His plan is to USE THEM to PREPARE YOU to take your promised land. He is enlarging you till you have increased enough to take authority over your promised land. When God blesses, He adds no sorrow to it – the Good Father is making sure that you are able to handle the magnitude of your blessing when it comes!

In these times, I see 3 different camps of people responding to their giants.

1. Retreat & Runaways

You have felt so overwhelmed and beaten down by fear, discouragement, failure, seeming fruitlessness. The Lord is calling for you to turn back! Pick up your sword and fight again.

Don’t give in to fear, God is with you, God is for you. He will never put you against anything you cannot defeat. You are more than a conqueror, so rise up! Rise up in the strength, boldness, and victorious spirit of God.

Don’t be distracted by the giants that you see. These giants are mere mirages which have no substance, they cannot really hurt you… unless you lend your faith to them, for faith is the substance of things not seen. Do not place your faith in fear of the giants for what you believe is what you will experience. Turn your eyes upward instead, see the hosts of angel armies that surround you!

The commander of hosts of angels is with you. He is fighting for you. Rise up in your spirit. Take charge of your life. Like King David, encourage yourself and let His boldness arise within you.

In the name of Jesus, I pray that your eyes would be open to see the God of angel armies is with you, He is for you, He commands the hosts of angels and they are surrounding you. These giants don’t stand a chance.

I declare in Jesus’ name: Rise up. Rise up in your boldness. Rise up in your identity as a son and daughter of God, and OVERCOME.

2. Paralyzed & Stagnant

I see the second group of people who do not retreat, but neither do you advance. You have been feeling intimidated by these giants and have been thinking, “this is too much for me” which has led you to become paralyzed. The fear of making the wrong move & the fear of failure has caused you to remain where you are.

God doesn’t want that for you! He wants you to advance. He wants you to take new ground, new land. God wants you to move forward.

In the name of Jesus I declare: Enlargement. Rise up and move on!

I see the camp of Israel in the desert and I hear God say, “Pack up! Pack up your tents, your families, your possessions, and move on! Break camp and move on, because whichever land you set foot on God will give to you.”

So I break all paralysis off of you in Jesus’ name. I break off lethargy, fear, and anxiety that causes you to remain stagnant.

I speak life and the fire of God that will motivate and embolden you to move forward.

I declare that the roar of the Lion of Judah is just going to burst from you, go forth and consume the enemy in Jesus’ name.

3. Overcomer & Conqueror

No matter what giants have come against you, you have discerned the lies of the enemy and have held on to the truth that only the Almighty God overshadows you. Under the Spirit of the sovereign Lord, you have continued to move forward.

I sense the Lord saying to you, “Well done, My good and faithful servants. You have been faithful with everything I’ve entrusted you with.”

I see that you have kept on fighting. I see your battle scars. I see that you are weary sometimes but you keep putting one foot in front of the other, and the Lord is so pleased with you. Keep going, keep up the good work.

In the name of Jesus I release to this group the supernatural spirit of God – the seven-fold spirit of God – to encourage, empower, and energize you and to fill you afresh so you can keep running after Him.

We are in a time and season where God has called His children to OVERCOME their giants and take their Promised Land. 2018 will be the year that you see your Promised Land, but it comes with a condition: Will you choose to overcome the giants that have been set in your path? Will you overcome and enter your promised land?

This is a promise that is available to every single child of God if we would overcome.

So I pray for all of us right now in the name of Jesus, “Lord, you would open our eyes to see and our ears to hear that You are the God victorious. You are sovereign Lord over all the earth and You command hosts of angel armies. You are for us and You are not against us. You will command Your angels concerning us to guard us in all our ways. Teach us Lord to partner with You. Teach us to partner with Your angels. Teach us to overcome, give us the overcomers spirit. Give us eyes to see, ears to hear, hearts to understand what You are doing so that we will respond in due time in season and RISE UP. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

(original prophetic word delivered in this video. prophecy begins at 02:23)

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Wisdom That Breaks The Mold

I’ve been sensing the Lord speak about Wisdom and how important it is for us His children – His last-days army – to walk in heavenly wisdom that is above human wisdom.

The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.”

Proverbs 4:7

Breaking The Mold

“I am breaking the mold of human wisdom.

My people are going to begin to find that the way things used to be just don’t work any more. They are beginning to feel the frustration of futility in the things they’ve understood up to this point. The things they’ve known and which have brought them great success in the past — just aren’t going to work any more.

This is My doing. This is a holy discontent that, if they allow, will draw them deeper into the Mystery of My being. The deeper they dive, the more they will begin to operate in My wisdom instead of human wisdom.

Human wisdom & understanding is just not going to cut it in what I’m about to do. The new things I have planned will completely shatter paradigms of the past. It’s not going to work if My people try to fit My new move into old patterns of thinking, old paradigms of understanding, and old ways of doing things.

It is no longer going to work by “the way it’s always been done”. Even all human “cutting-edge” ideas & strategies just will not be able to keep up. You need to lean on heavenly wisdom, not the wisdom of man no matter how advanced it is. I am coming to do a new thing in a whole new way.

I am breaking the mold of human wisdom, and it is going to require that My people are totally dependent on Me. I am doing this new thing so that My people would walk so closely with My Spirit. That is the only way that they can succeed. Without faith it is impossible to do the work that please Me. Sometimes, My wisdom seems simple and unassuming compared to the world’s cutting-edge strategies. But remember, sometimes the most profound truths are found in simplicity. I use the weak and foolish things to shame those who are wise in the world.

My children, let go of your need to understand everything. Let go of your dependence on ten-step plans and tried-and-true strategies. Let go of the weight of trying to figure it our on your own, and come to Me.

Many of you have grown weary, frustrated, discouraged. It has seemed like one closed door after another, one failed attempt upon failure. Be encouraged. That is My mercy at work in your life. In My mercy, I am

Run to Me, seek Me. I hold the mysteries of the universe and I want to make them known to you, one layer at a time. I don’t just mean spiritual mysteries, but also blueprints in science, art, business, parenting, and every other area of life. Depend wholly on Me in all areas of your life, big and small.

It’s going to be challenging. It’s going to take a lot of surrender and weaning off of old thinking patterns. But My grace will empower all who choose to respond. My Spirit will guide you into it.

My wisdom will protect you. In uncharted territories, My wisdom will be your road map. And mark My words, you are going to be charting new territories. But that is only possible if you surrender your understanding in exchange for My wisdom.

Will you allow Me to break you – your mindsets, paradigms, securities, strategies, plans – and take you into a new dimension of heavenly wisdom?”

Wisdom To Steward The Bumper Crop

“In agriculture, a bumper crop is a crop that has yielded an unusually productive harvest. A bumper crop can also be a source of problems, such as when there is insufficient storage space & resources for an overlarge crop.”


“I am about to release a bumper crop of harvest across the earth. My Church needs to ask My Holy Spirit for wisdom to steward this bumper crop.

Many are praying for revival and calling out for reformation, but not many are ready for it when it comes.

Is My Church prepared to handle the outpouring of My Glory? Are My People ready for the floodgates to be opened? Are you prepared to have your world and everything you’ve ever known to be turned upside-down inside-out? That’s what the wave of My Glory will do. Have you counted the cost, do you truly want this?

The only way you will be ready is if you choose to partner with Holy Spirit, letting Him lead you and show you deep & unsearchable things you do not yet know. Then, you will live a life of continual wonder, adventure, and still be in the safest place in the whole world — Me.

I’m preparing you now to walk in heavenly wisdom so that you can steward well My release of the bumper crop. So that you will not be overwhelmed.

My children, start praying. Pray for the Lord of the harvest to send the harvest, prepare the harvesters, and give you wisdom to steward the bumper crop that’s about to come.”

Wisdom Is A Person

“Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you.”

Proverbs 4: 6

“Wisdom is My Holy Spirit.

It is not an elusive concept, nor a theological principle. Wisdom is a person, and wisdom wants to be your best friend.

Get to know My Holy Spirit. Walk by the Spirit. Then you will know what it means to break the mold of human wisdom, living by the Spirit instead of the flesh.

Be led by My Holy Spirit. He is your counselor, best friend, teacher, helper, guide, and everything you need to navigate this whole new world with.

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Idream of Eden. We were made for the Garden and the full pleasure of paradise. We got separated at Eden and we spend our whole lives searching for a way back into that secret paradise. All of life's pursuit + pain + questioning can be traced back to man's search for home. Our deepest instincts tell us that we are not home outside of this reality, and our souls will never stop searching until we return. Only there will we find rest and our true being. There, we begin to dream again the dreams that have laid asleep in our hearts all along.

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