I get that we’ve been talking about worship a lot. Like, alot a lot. I love that I get to share my experiences on this little platform, and it’s a privilege I don’t take lightly. But I also know that many of you have read some of these things and thrown your hands up in the air like, “I’ve never done this before! Is it for me? Where do I even start?” and so I wanted to take some time to share some practical tools with you today.
Because I get it. I look at some people like Enoch and Moses and feel like they’ve set a standard for spirituality I can’t reach, and it’s super discouraging sometimes. But the truth is that God wants to encounter us in those deep, intimate ways. So much more than we could ever want Him. It might not always feel that way, but it’s the truth.
I walked most of my prophetic-learning journey with no available mentor to guide me or lead the way, which really just meant that I learned by making mistakes. Lots and lots of mistakes. I offended many people in the process, got my heart bruised a few times, and got rebuked by Holy Spirit’s gentle voice aplenty. I wouldn’t trade that journey for anything, but I also believe that this next generation rising up won’t have to go mentor-less. You don’t have to pursue the prophetic alone because forerunners have already gone before you to prepare the road you must tread. You won’t need to go in blind. You get to stand on our shoulders; our ceiling is your floor, and you will do far greater things than we’ve done. And that’s a comforting thought isn’t it?
So here are some practical things that draw me in to deep worship + help me to hear from God. Some may work for you, and some may not. And there may be other things that I haven’t listed here that God might be calling through. I pray for Holy Spirit’s voice to be amplified in your heart as you discern the ways He wants to encounter you in this very special season.
My shofar from Israel
1. DANCE is powerful for me because it bypasses the mind + heart and goes straight to my spirit.
It pleases the Lord, and here’s how I know: I’ve only ever danced before Him privately in my prayer room, and yet I can’t tell you how many times total strangers have actually come up to me and said, “You dance before the Lord. The Lord says that you are His dancer and He is pleased. Your movements create things.” These words always move me to tears because God knows what is done in the secret place, and He straight up delights in it.
There are many different ways to dance – sometimes I dance with the tambourine, sometimes with a special dance scarf, most times just with my hands – but it’s really just super simple. Let worship music play, feel how Holy Spirit is moving you, and just follow Him. There’s really no list of steps to follow when it comes to worship dance.
My favorite soft silk dance scarf from Israel + tambourine of lightest wood from Cebu.
There are times that I’ve danced in His arms in a huge palace ballroom.
Other times I’ve seen literal nations below my feet as I dance healing + freedom over them. “The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.” Zephaniah 3:17
Many times, it has torn down strongholds + created heavenly realities in my own life and home.
Some days the dance is simple and twirly. Some days it’s intense and punctuated. Other days I don’t dance at all because He just wants me to sit with Him.
Holy Spirit guides us as we learn to move as He moves, so there’s no shame or embarrassment to try in His presence!
Worship dance with the scarf
2. MUSIC goes on 24/7 up in heaven, so I think it works here on earth too!
Some days I worship on the piano, sometimes the guitar or flute, but mostly I play them on the computer so I’m free to sing + bow + lift my hands + dance.
My little music corner in our study room
My flute
I’m not a very musical person, but God moves + speaks often through words and songs. I feel like that’s because music opens our senses, and “the whole person, with all his senses, with both mind and body, needs to be involved in genuine worship.”
3. SILENCE is sometimes the deepest way to engage with God.
When we come to the end of all things, including ourselves, and come face to face with God Almighty, are there any words left to say? All our glib sayings become mere babble, and we stand unmasked in His presence. At that point, we can only stand surrendered, silent, and remember that He is King. That is the moment that true worship bursts forth from our hearts.
4. JOURNALING is an incredible and vastly underrated tool. I could go into the benefits of journaling, but I feel like this article did a pretty good job of it already.
5. THE BIBLE is life. It is food and living water. It nourishes and cleanses. It convicts and builds us up. The Bible is so important.
These are some of the things that happen during my quiet time, and they’ve helped me encounter God through many different seasons. I hope this list helps you in some way, but at the end of the day, these are just tools — what we need the most is Holy Spirit. He is the One who will guide you in prayer (Romans 8:26), in worship (John 4:23 & 24), in understanding God’s word (John 14:26), and in knowing God (John 16:13-16). Invite Him in today? He will provide the hunger, and He will make a way for you to get there.
Love this! Thank you for sharing
Great post!! I really love your blog and ministry Samantha.
I usually work with silence and with the Bible…. 🙂
I really enjoy reading this. Remains me when I started taking Christian therapy and she ask me to have a Time with God, I did not know how to, or how to start but I like how you are giving many tools or ways. Personally I did it by just having a conversation with God in the closet, with music. Sometimes He just ask me to stay quiet and listen, but I enjoy every minute of it.
God Bless you
Such beautiful suggestions to quiet our soul to focus on the Lord.
I love everything about this post, especially the dancing. That is such a precious thing for me, even though I’m not a dancer. I think it really gets to the understanding of my body as a temple of the Holy Spirit.
Your post is lovely! I can’t wait to read more of them! I’ve been searching for some good, Godly blogs to read!
I just recently got back into blogging and have been putting a lot into blogging again, if you are anyone else reading this is interested, hear it is!
My first ever ministry was playing the tambourine at my home church in the Philippines. It’s great that you’re doing a more kinesthetic form of worship! The Psalms do speak about dancing before the Lord as well.
I love that you put silence in here…our world is filled with so many things that keep us busy, we often forget to be silent. I know I am guilty of that!
I love silence, meditating, and being in His Word. I also love to worship Him in nature. Thanks for all of this.
I love this post. My quiet time tools are definitely The Bible and journaling. I connect better with God when I write. Also, I have been coloring Bible verses and coloring seems to be another tool for me. I dwell on the verse that I am coloring.
I’ve never thought of dance as a quiet time tool, but I can see how it could be a powerful part of your prayer time. The Bible, journaling, and silence are my go-to tools.
Love all the dancing! I have a tambourine that I decorated with ribbons, too! Thanks for the inspiration!
I just stumbled upon your blog and I can already sense I want more of what you have in your relationship with God. I can’t wait to learn more from you! I love what you said … “He will provide the hunger and will make a way to get there!” wow.