Worship is a beautiful human right, one gifted by God that even the angels long to look into (read more about that here).
You have, in all likelihood, experienced beautiful moments of private + corporate worship. Times when the sweet presence of the Lord descends like sweet perfume, or wind, or gold dust, or healing love. And I pray that all who read this will get to experience this sweet, healing worship.
But that is just the beginning. Because there’s worship, and then there’s Throne Room worship. This is the highest + purest level of worship, and the invitation is open to all His children to press in through worship into Throne Room worship. Today I want to delve a little deeper into what it’s like, the kind of deep worship mentioned briefly in this article. What follows is not a formula or to-do list, but stories to inspire you to pursue new depths of intimacy with the Lover of your soul.
Throne Room worship needs to be experienced to be fully understood, but the short answer is this: In that place, everything is centered on Him. In that place, we are only aware of one thing: how glorious, majestic, beautiful is the King seated on the throne. We see the Angels and Elders bend low, and know that we know that we KNOW that He deserves all our devotion.
In the Throne Room, nobody sings songs about themselves (“I worship..” “I praise…” “You make ME..”) because while those songs are powerful and anointed, they can only take us to second heaven worship. Self-involved worship are found insufficient in the third heavens, in the face of His majesty. In this place, the only worship that takes off are the ones about Him and HIM ALONE, adoring Him, about His nature + attributes. Looking at His beautiful wonder, not in relation to us, but simply as He is.
We’re no longer there for ourselves (healing, revelation, solution) but we’re there because He is God and that demands the worship of all creation. That worship cracks through to the deepest core of us and brings out an involuntary response of love + adoration + awe. It is His deep calling out to our deep. Because He is spirit, and all who worship must worship in spirit and in truth.
I pray that the stories I share today will awaken your heart to the depths of His majesty + glory. I’m asking Him for deeper hunger in all our hearts.
NOTE: Before I share these stories, it is important to note that whenever I use the word “Worship” I am not referring to songs, although the word also encompasses the singing of songs. “Worship” henceforth signifies adoration of the body, soul, and spirit – be it through words, music, silence, etc.
Story 1: Going From Second Heavens Worship To Third Heavens/Throne Room Worship.
I was going about my usual one day – worship, Bible, wait on God – and it was a beautiful, peaceful time.
I was in the second heavens, the place in Ephesians 6:12 where angels battle with the spiritual forces of evil (see also Daniel 10:13). This is the place where we bring our worries, hurts, etc., to God during worship. It is the place that we usually first encounter His love, healing, assurance. He restores our soul, our identity in Him. In this place, much of the emphasis is on our needs, our struggles, our experiences. Is it a necessary step in the journey? For sure. But it cannot be the end.
As I was in that place of second heavens worship, there was a sudden shift in the atmosphere. Heavier, whiter, mistier + clearer all at the same time.
Then I saw angels come in from my right side, entering the room as they descended out of thin air. They came into the room carrying the Throne of God lifted above them.
The Throne of God was huge. Its base as high as the ceiling so I only saw the bottom-most step. It was made of what looked like solid gold, nothing hollow inside. All four corners were connected by pillars that were thicker than a palace colonnade. There were emerald stones embedded into the gold.
But far more breathtaking were the feet that rested on that bottom step of the Throne. The feet of the Most High. The God who makes the mountains tremble with His breath. He was in my living room, and now I understood why the disciple John + so many others who’ve encountered Him in this way said “I fell down as one dead”. For when we come face to face with the greatness of God, every accomplishment of our own, every human boast, appears like cheap straw beside His majesty.
The moment He entered the room on His Throne, the only response that could come forth was to adore + be in awe of who He was. I physically felt every atom in my body (pardon if that’s not the right sciencific word, but you get the gist) pivot and turn till they were all unanimously faced toward Him. Literally every fiber of my body turned toward His light. Everything was centered on Him, existed for Him, sustained because of Him.
No fear, worry, strife could enter into that sacred space. Only His glory… and His love that allowed sinful me to remain in His glory. And the only response was “Holy, Holy, Holy. You are God Almighty.”
Story 2: Going From Earth To Throne Room Worship.
Another time, I was too busy to sit with the Lord. As I hustled + bustled around the house, the Throne of God suddenly appeared in the middle of the living room, right where I usually spent time with Him.
It stopped me right in my tracks. “Why is it here?” was barely formed in my mind when the gentle, slightly stern, voice of Holy Spirit said, “We have come. This is an invitation to you to come into the Throne Room. Will you come or are you too busy?”
I repented, made a heart adjustment, and went to sit before Him humbled, awed, and pretty much trying to wrap my mind around the fact that the Great God had come while I’d been ignoring Him. But that’s who He is. Kind, humble, gracious.
The colossal God so loves the broken, mud-spattered worship of His children that He lifts us out of our mire and takes us higher to where His Throne resides. And every time we sing “Holy” “Worthy”, we’re like the 24 elders who never stop worshiping Him because they never stop beholding Him.
Story 3: Going Straight To Throne Room Worship.
There are times that I’ve settled down to worship and He’s taken me straight up to His Throne Room. Cutting through the layers of earth (the soul, the flesh, distractions) and the second heavens (spiritual warfare, resistance, blockages) straight to that place before Him.
I see mist surrounding His Throne, wrapped in light and glory. I see the angels attending to Him, adoring Him, full of awe and love for their God. I see the elders and people around the Throne and they never stop bowing down before Him.
As I join in the chorus, “Blessing and honor and glory and power, forever and ever. Unto Him who sits on the Throne be blessing, glory and honor forever and ever and ever. Amen” my body quakes at His majesty and tears flow. The tears that flow are involuntary, not from emotions, and I cannot stop them because every cell in my body must respond to His beauty.
There, before His Throne, I am bathed in His light. Body, soul, spirit vibrate as wave after wave of His light – beauty and holiness – radiate from His Throne.
I’ve often come back from those times of worship before His Throne and found that problems have been solved, wise solutions have been deposited in my mind, and God ideas planted in my heart. When we get to that place of looking at only Him, we take our hands off ourselves and let Him come in to bring divine resolution into every area.
These are some stories of my experiences, and I’m praying for an impartation of breakthrough in worship over your life today. Check back on the word of God, chew the meat and throw away the bones. Your Throne Room encounter with God might be different, but will be unique between Him and you.
And if you want a place to grow in + experience this? Join us at Godly Womanhood prayer nights OR at CreateCollective worship nights. The Lord’s specific invitation at these gatherings is for everyone to enter into the third heavens together; nobody is to be left behind. Friend, you are more than welcome to press in, just as you are.
What a wonderful post on a Thursday morning! Thank you for sharing your experiences — you are a deep and thoughtful writer. God bless you.
Very insightful post! Thank you for sharing!
I’ve never heard of some of the things you describe here (second/third heaven, throne room worship) but your stories are powerful. When we worship God without all the trappings of this life, he transforms us from the inside out, and we are refreshed and renewed.
I’ve never heard of this before. I enjoyed reading about your perspectives. God is certainly great and nothing changes my life more than worshiping Him.
How awesome is our God – He just wants ALL of us!
Wow! I don’t know how or when I started subscribing to your blog however this post is tugging at my heart strings. I can literally feel Holy Spirit whispering there is so much more as my spirit aches for this. This throne room worship. Thank you do sharing some of your intimate moments. Blessings and love. Misty
How awesome and great… love this topic about worship, because that’s what we were created. To worship God with our lives. Very interesting and encouraging post. Blessings
Very interesting post, Samantha. Thank you!
Thank you for the reminder that we can boldly approach the throne of God. Incredibly encouraging.
What an encouragement to seek after Him with every part of our being. I have experienced this throne room worship before, by the grace of God, and it is beyond compare.
You are right, you need to experience it.
Can’t wait to get to Heaven one day and see the throne room up close and personal!
Such a powerful post and a great message. I love reading this
Hey Samantha I read your article on throne room worship today, it stirred something deep within me! What sort of worship music do you listen too? I couldn’t agree more that worship is so much more than singing x
Hey Samantha I read your article on throne room worship today, it stirred something deep within me! What sort of worship music do you listen too? I couldn’t agree more that worship is so much more than singing x
Blessed to read your article. Have you also experienced the Holy Spirit moving through you? As if your natural hands are guided to move?