God is on the move. There’s been a breakthrough & acceleration in the spirit over the past couple of weeks — fresh anointing, new authority, greater assignments, and increased clarity + access in the spirit. It’s been an intense, exhilarating few weeks as I’ve been taken to new heights and experiences and increased tenderness toward Him. This is happening for those who have remained obedient to Him and faithful to His process, and the sense I get is Him saying, “Thank you for being faithful to me. You have earned My trust. You have been faithful in little, now I am giving so much more”.
How beautiful it is to win the trust of God. He has been building us up to this point in the last few months (read here and here), and this is just the beginning.
I sense there is a message for three groups of people in this season, and I want to share them here briefly.
Breakthrough into acceleration will come through these very critical stages.
a. Clean Up
Before God moves us into the next level, He first wants to do a thorough clean-up. This includes our relationships, finances, belief systems, and even character issues that may seem minor now. Let Him in to all areas. God loves you and He knows best. He wants to do a major clean-up so that these things will neither hinder nor stumble us — in acceleration, things grow exponentially, both the good and the bad.
God disciplines those He loves, so do not shun or despise His discipline. He wants to bring order and stability into your life.
This is a time that we must choose: are we for God or against Him? There is no sitting on the fence. He is either Lord of all, or not Lord at all. The battle lines have been drawn, this is the tipping point, and we must make a stand and choose which side of the battle we will be on.
Those who choose alignment, obedience to Him, and who would surrender to His discipline, will find freedom, peace and abundant joy. There are those who will give in to the soul instead of being led by the Spirit, and they will choose to go back to the ways that were comfortable to them. God never promised it would be easy but He did promise that it was oh so simple, and that He would be there to empower us all the way through.
Repentance is so simple. True repentance is founded in grace, and true grace leads to repentance which leads to grace. It is a simple matter of saying, “Sorry Lord, I was wrong. I want to change my ways. Help me and empower me to do so.” God is faithful and just, and He will forgive us and cleanse us.
Dear friends, I urge you. Give in to grace. Surrender to the discipline of your loving Father. Don’t let pride hold you back from the so-much-more that God wants to do in this coming season. When we soften our hearts toward Him and become like little children before their good Papa, we will gain access to the Kingdom.
b. Find Your Elijah
Seasons of alignment apply to alignment with God, and also alignment with man. Who we choose to align to in this season will greatly impact the trajectory and momentum of our journey. Be wise and discerning in the company that you keep. In the last days, there will be many who come like wolves in sheep’s clothing. Only by discernment in the Holy Spirit will we be able to perceive the difference.
Ask God for godly mentors and leaders. They will not be perfect, but when they are from God they will be given the grace to protect you and help you move into the fullness of what God has prepared for you. When you find your Elijah, become his/her Elisha by being their armor-bearer. Trust them, serve them, run with them. There is a double portion of their mantle available to you when you do, just as Elisha received his double-portion mantle from Elijah.
This is an exciting time for you! If you are in this group, your present reality is probably marked by some or more the following:
- Divine open doors of favor and opportunity.
- Having been re-positioned in the right place at the right time.
- An enlargement (or stretching) of your gifts, talents, and character.
- Clarity in the spirit like never before.
- Encounters and experiences in the spirit.
- A new deep hunger for the written Word of God.
- Peace and stability in your work and what you do as God has brought divine alignment.
- Restoration and new order in your relationships.
- New authority and trust from heaven to legislate and rule with Him.
- A heart that is tender before the Lord.
Now is the time to ride on the momentum of this acceleration, and increase exponentially. This is the month to grow in the strength of the Lord, in wisdom, stature, and favor with God and man. It is the time to gain insight + foresight, and to prosper spiritually and naturally.
In this time of exponential growth it is important to rest in the Lord, working from victory instead of for victory.
God is bringing order to His house.
Leaders and overseers who have been entrusted with His people, His revelations, His resources, will be required to walk in such a way that they can give an account in heaven. God will ask us to give an account.
As God sweeps through His house to bring order, He is looking for those who would be faithful to steward what He has entrusted to them according to His ways. As God brings order to His house, discipline and sometimes tough love will be needed. This will mean that overseers and leaders in the church will have to choose: fear of God, or fear of man? Will they choose to please God, even if obedience to God might make them unpopular or even persecuted by their flock?
Every leader will be held accountable for how we choose to steward the people, revelation, and resources that God has entrusted to us. Everything belongs to the Lord, and we are merely stewards of them.
As we choose to put God first and align ourselves to Him, God will give us divine wisdom. We will need this heavenly insight and foresight as we move forward. In the last days, there will be many who come like wolves in sheep’s clothing. Their agenda will be to turn the eyes of God’s people away from God, and leaders will be given divine strategies to protect the sheep from these wolves.
“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12
Overseers, I urge you to keep yourself in God – in the Word, in prayer, and in worship through which our eyes are kept fixed upon Him – in this pivotal time of God’s calendar. In Him, you will find the wisdom and strength that you will need to guide His people into the exciting new world that God is bringing His church into!
What a lovely blog you have here! I am a Christian and I will be visiting here more to get a great messsage. 🙏🏾 Thanks!
Thank you! Yes amen!
This is exciting! I’d like to believe I’m in the breakthrough group. I’m hoping there’s more growth in the future and more trust in God like never before!
Wow, such a great blessing, thank you.