There is a season of increase + acceleration that’s coming. This includes many of us taking new ground, stepping into new territory, new anointing, a higher level in our spiritual walk, etc.
It is so key to abide in this season as we prepare to step out into the next season. We the children of God must remain beneath the shadow of the Most High so that we step into new territory under His protection. The enemy also knows that this is a significant season for many of us, and will try to discourage/derail us. Now, more than ever, we must keep in step with Him and go only when He says, “Go”.
We are in an incubation period, and we need to look to Him so we don’t lose our faith.
If you feel lost or don’t know what to do, run to Him. If you need vision or wisdom, look to Him. His promise to you today is: Those who trust in Me will never be put to shame.
He is fighting your battles, His blood breaks all the chains. In His presence, every knee must bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord… and that includes your circumstances + enemies.
We are in an incubation period, and we need to learn from this prophetic picture in Mary’s life —
“The angel answered, ‘The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God.‘” Luke 1:35
We must remain under the shadow of the Most High. It is so important.
And just like Mary, as His Spirit overshadows us, His divine plans will be birthed in our lives.
The 20 minute video below goes more into detail on this prophetic word that I feel is heavy on the Lord’s heart. Feel free to watch the video (below) and share it with those you feel need to hear it this season. Praying for a release of heaven’s breakthrough over every life, in Jesus’ name.
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Such a beautiful reminder to stay under the shadow of the Most High. No matter what we are going through, God is there.
Amen and amen!!!
I can’t help but thinking of Psalm 91 when I saw the title of this post 🙂
My GOD!!!! Thank you for this word!!!!
Thank you for sharing. Everything is better when we remain under God’s wing.
Hi, Samantha, I am from Baltimore, the United States. I am in a leadership role in the prayer ministry at my church and have been accepted to begin ministry school.
Your message truly confirmed what I have been experiencing and what the Lord has placed upon my heart. I have been undergoing extreme attacks physically, financially and emotionally especially during the past month.The Lord kept me relying upon and confessing Galatians 2:20 and, in the Amplified Bible, Philippians 3:10. He also emphatically spoke in my spirit that in this season, He,alone,was to order my “starts and stops”. This morning, He reminded me that He had led me to your site thru a message about June that you had placed on the “Elijah List” a couple of weeks ago which I excitedly shared with friends and family. I was hit again with excruciating pain yesterday and this morning, but after getting in His Presence,it lifted. That’s when the Lord reminded me that your prophetic messages were being sent to me directly by Him and that it was not so much for me to share at this point, but in the fact that the message would confirm exactly where I am right now! GOD bless you for your hearing heart, Samantha. It is truly a blessing to me and the Body of Christ. May you and your family continually remain in God’s rest.