A True Bride of The King
“Listen, daughter, and pay careful attention: Forget your people and your father’s house. Let the king be enthralled by your beauty; honor him, for he is your lord…”
“Forget your people and your father’s house,” is the instruction to this fair maiden who has been chosen.
This here is not a frivolous request, but a passionate cry from the heart of the Lover. Jesus, who gave Himself for His bride, would desire the same devotion. To “forget your people and your father’s house,” means simply this – let go of everything upon which I have built my identity and depend for resources.
This cry from the heart of God has its unyielding grip on my heart, “Who is he who will devote himself to be close to me?” (Jeremiah 30:21). Can you hear the passion, the deep love, the desperation in that cry? The bridegroom saying to His bride, “Choose Me, pick Me, love Me… Give up everything else and just be with Me… I love you so much and I want you so much.” Such is the unfathomable love of the King.
I had a prophetic dream in which God taught me about Devotion:
I was in a line, waiting for my turn. At the beginning of the line sat an old woman who gave a ring to each person. Each ring had a different gemstone of the individual’s choice, and with each gemstone came special powers. These special powers denoted the destiny/calling of each person.
For example, a man chose a green gemstone. This gemstone gave him the power to blast through walls. Therefore, his destiny was to be a wall-blaster.
However when my turn came, the old lady did not give me a choice. Immediately she looked at me, called me “True Blue”, and handed me a sapphire ring. This “True Blue” ring gave me power, and with it my destiny, to defeat the Fire Girl and Ice Man.
I woke up to a sense of destiny and much-ness, but I was puzzled about what the dream meant as I had no prior knowledge of the significance of “True Blue” and Sapphire Rings. When in doubt, Google it – so that’s what I did.
I did a search on the phrase “True Blue”, and found the following definition:
Loyal or faithful; staunch. Unwavering. Steadfast.
Next, I searched Sapphire Rings and here’s what I found:
The gemstone of sapphire for centuries has been regarded as an emblem of symbolized truth, authenticity, devotion, and faithfulness. In many countries sapphire happens to be the most desirable engagement gem because of its symbolism. The bestower often has an aspiration to endow his affianced with those very same qualities.
Now you may want to know what makes the sapphire ring highly expensive. Sapphires happen to be the perfect gem for rings since they are extremely durable and almost as tough as diamond. If you purchase sapphire rings you will be rest assured that it can withstand more than the other gemstones.
I was astounded – the 2 pieces of the puzzle were perfectly matched! That’s when I knew for sure that the dream had come from the Lord; my human mind had no prior knowledge to be able to concoct something like this.
The old woman in the dream symbolizes Holy Spirit, who is Wisdom. Only Holy Spirit can endow us with power from Heaven to be all that God desires.
The sapphire ring, which is the quintessential engagement ring, represents union and intimacy with the Lord. It is costly, and likewise there is a price to pay to lay hold of the Kingdom – wholehearted devotion to the Lord will cost us much, but oh what joys we get in return! Nothing compares to being beloved of the King.
True Blue represents devotion and wholeheartedness. These are the qualities that the Bridegroom, Jesus, desires in His bride. He is a passionate, jealous lover, who wants the whole heart of His dearly beloved.
Fire Girl characterizes the ungodly, demonic controls over the Church, and Ice Man is the spirit of slumber and passivity within the Church. The only way that the Warrior Bride, the Church, can overcome is through intimacy with God and wholehearted devotion to Him.
Passionate yet tender,
tenaciously unbending to the enemy yet completely yielded to the King,
her strength and ferocity in battle is birthed out of a place of intimacy and love for the King,
she does all in Him, through Him, for Him and Him alone.
Wholehearted devotion. This is the kind of bride that the King wants.
wow , awesome ! this part 2 of the sapphire ring is like you describing my life, my name means strong & my engagement ring is sapphire, wow