I’ve been hearing the Lord declare, “No more abortions, no more miscarriages! No more aborted dreams. No more aborted callings. No more aborted gifts-made-full in My people’s lives!”
I saw the Lord rise up in righteous indignation at the stolen/lost destinies and dreams that belong to His people. He will tolerate no longer. The gavel has fallen, God the righteous Judge has decreed, “Give My people back what is theirs!”
“God has set eternity in the hearts of men.” — Ecclesiastes 3:11
This is the season God will begin teaching us how to take back our rightful inheritance in Jesus. If we will humble ourselves and let Holy Spirit be our Teacher, we’ll learn how to birth to fruition the seeds of eternity that God planted in our hearts from the moment we were conceived.
Battle of the Mind
“Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.” — Joshua 3:5
The Lord showed me that one of the greatest things holding His children back from their destinies is the issue of Belief. I saw so many have been tied down with ropes of “disbelief”, “doubt”, “confusion”, “fear”, “distorted reality”, “deception” where the enemy has sought to overpower them in the battle of the mind. These ropes not only tie them down but cut into their flesh, tormenting them and turning them to torment others. Many don’t even know there is a battle raging, and have simply relinquished victory to the enemy. Some have put up a good fight, but have grown weary of doing good and given up.
But I hear the Lord decree, “No more! Freedom!!” Jesus, in a suit of blazing white light and a sword in His hand, is coming to set the captives free. He has come to break the chains and cut off the ropes! He stands before each prisoner and asks, “Are you willing?” Some will choose to remain in their bondage of deception, but all who say “Yes, Lord!” will be set free. I see that those who are loosed from captivity will be taken to a place like paradise for a season, full of rolling green hills and new life. There, they will drink and be refreshed, be nursed back to health and strengthened. Then Jesus will call on them to march back to the prison where they came from — this time not as captives, but as warriors to set other captives free.
Then I see a group of brave men and women rising from the dirt. These are the faithful ones, who have held onto Truth and stood firm in Faith. Through the fiery darts and flaming arrows they have steadily marched forward. Some have lost their lives for this cause. Many have lost family, wealth, and even their own health. These are the devoted lovers of God who have loved God even unto death, and have completely died to self so Jesus might increase in them. I see the Jesus the Prince of Peace smile with great joy upon these ones, His faithful trusted ones. With great delight and compassion, the Captain of the Army of the Lord gives a mighty shout that reverberates across the desert land and slays all the enemy armies with one sound. That shout brings a mighty wind of refreshing that gently lifts up these faithful soldiers. The wounds on their bodies are transformed to iridescent gold so they shine like the many colors of heaven. Every grief, persecution, sacrifice… all that were once scars, become beautiful swathes of colored gold. “So beautiful to Me,” Jesus smiles in rapture.
Don’t Let Mistakes Of The Past Hold You Back
Then I heard the Lord say, “My love is greater than your failures. Don’t let the shame and mistakes of your past hold you back. The greatest downfall of Adam and Eve wasn’t when they ate the forbidden fruit, but when they felt that they had to hide from Me. If only they had run to Me in their failure… if only they had hidden in Me and let Me make them whole again. Learn from My servant David — I am the God who turned his greatest folly with Bathsheba into a source of greatest wisdom Solomon.”
God convicts but never condemns us. Let us respond to admonishment by running to Him! He wants to turn our aborted dreams and destinies into life-giving testimonies of His power, grace, and love!
It is time to cross over. God is moving you out of the wilderness and into the promised land. Would you say Yes to Him?
God don’t want to hold back on blessing us – but we have to be in on it too 🙂
I’ve been having conversations with someone who is so caught up on the past that she is missing out on the present. God forgives us. We sometimes need to forgive ourselves.
I receive this. This is exactly the season that I feel like I’m in now. I struggled with proceeding with my calling because of my own disbelief in myself and my own abilities. But through Christ, I can accomplish any and all things!
I receive it with my spirit! Thank you for the encouraging word
Yes, so true….
This is an amazing, encouraging word! Thank you sharing the Father’s revelation!
I enjoyed this glimpse into your heart. Thank you for sharing your words with me.
yes yes yes! Amen. Preach on 🙂
When we are walking in the past, we can’t see the present! What a beautiful word! Until we recognize that our cage is open we will never have freedom. I pray for all those who believe they are captive that God would show them the door to their cage and they would fly in FREEDOM!
So much confirmation of what Holy Spirit has revealed to me.It is Time,and His Bride is arising with a renewed passion and coming back to her First Love.You become what you behold and her eyes are on her Song of Songs.Our eyes must stay transfixed upon The Author and Finisher of our faith, especially in the coming seasons. As His Glory is revealed in the earth, but especially in our hearts, The Light of His Glory will always shine on any hidden places of darkness. Don’t be afraid in these times,this is not to condemn you, but to expose so you can yield even those areas up to Him. Just His work of Grace .He has been showing me that the biggest part of faith is just obedience to His Word and His leading by His still small voice…not in the whirlwind but The Quiet of your heart and soul.That’s why the enemy tries so hard to keepeverything stirred.As this precious word that has been shared,God wants us to run in to Him and His Throne Room of Grace and Mercy with absolutely no fear because we do have The Most Wonderful Advocate interceding on our behalf.May His Bride Arise and His enemies truly be scattered! Shalom.
So much confirmation of what Holy Spirit has revealed to me.It is Time,and His Bride is arising with a renewed passion and coming back to her First Love.You become what you behold and her eyes are on her Song of Songs.Our eyes must stay transfixed upon The Author and Finisher of our faith, especially in the coming seasons. As His Glory is revealed in the earth, but especially in our hearts, The Light of His Glory will always shine on any hidden places of darkness. Don’t be afraid in these times,this is not to condemn you, but to expose so you can yield even those areas up to Him. Just His work of Grace .He has been showing me that the biggest part of faith is just obedience to His Word and His leading by His still small voice…not in the whirlwind butsmallthe enemy tries to keep everything stirred.As this precious word that has been shared,God wants us to run in to Him and His Throne Room of Grace and Mercy with absolutely no fear because we do have The Most Wonderful Advocate interceding on our behalf. Shalom.