Get Aligned

I believe we’re about to enter into a season of acceleration, and the month of June – specifically these next couple of weeks –  is critical if we don’t want to miss out on what God is about to bring.

We are being positioned + prepared for the next season that is coming in the next few months. The next few months could bring for you enlarged territories, new territories, a new level in your spiritual life, increase in anointing and gifting, etc.

How we choose to live now will have an impact in how we receive the blessing to come.

Alex and I did a 20 minute live sharing about what we’ve been sensing from the Lord’s heart, and what it means to get yourself aligned in this season.

Watch the video below, and ask the Lord for who He has ordained for you to receive the blessing through in this season.

Know who they are; then get behind them, submit, and align yourself to run hard after them. God honors your obedience, and you will step into the current of momentum that will propel you into your next season.

Praying divine alignment over every life reading this today, in Jesus’ name. Amen!

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Idream of Eden. We were made for the Garden and the full pleasure of paradise. We got separated at Eden and we spend our whole lives searching for a way back into that secret paradise. All of life's pursuit + pain + questioning can be traced back to man's search for home. Our deepest instincts tell us that we are not home outside of this reality, and our souls will never stop searching until we return. Only there will we find rest and our true being. There, we begin to dream again the dreams that have laid asleep in our hearts all along.

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