“Ordinary people in the hands of an extraordinary God” is a video series that showcases different people, ordinary/unlikely in the eyes of society, who have extraordinary encounters with God.
Project Description
Many people feel that God is a God who is way up there, untouchable and waiting to hit us with a rod whenever we make a mistake. They think that only the very religious, or the holiest, or the best Bible teachers, have access to being close to God. I have found that is not so.
God delights in revealing Himself to ordinary people. Not only to the people who pray and fast all the time, the pastors, the prophets, the ministers ~ though of course He reveals Himself to them too. But I have found that He loves showing Himself to the unlikeliest people in society – the young, the old, the hidden, the shy quiet ones, the ones who wouldn’t know how to promote themselves.
1 Corinthians 1:27 says that , “God deliberately chose men and women that the culture overlooks and exploits and abuses, chose those “nobodies” to expose the hollow pretensions of the “somebodies””.
I have been blessed to encounter such precious hidden treasures, and I want to show them to the world. To showcase the encounters between ordinary people and an extraordinary God. That the world may know the heart of God and His goodness.
The video series will be launched soon. Till then, check out our photo gallery for a behind-the-scenes look!