Mixer: Finance Personality Profiling & Healthy Family Culture Workshop

Over an interactive workshop, make friends & get to know other Christian singles from the body of Christ in Singapore.

The workshop will be super fun & interactive with facilitated interaction among groups that will help you discover your unique wiring with regards to money and help you understand your strengths & blind-spots, as well as identify how different financial personality types can grow together in a healthy relationship with money. Each attendee will receive a detailed report on their unique financial personality profile, what drives them, areas of growth, etc.


12.30 PM: Workshop Session 1

2.30 PM: Workshop Session 2

4.30 PM: Games, Hang Out, Board Games (optional, free & easy)

7.30 PM: Dinner (optional, free & easy)

TICKET: $25 includes

  • Rental of meeting space
  • 1 digital personality profiling test (USD $10)
  • An in-depth personality report that you will receive prior to the event
  • 4-hour interactive workshop & training
  • Basic training on your unique wiring and how to celebrate your strengths + protect potential blindspots
  • Discover which financial personality type you actually want in a spouse – very important as money is one of the top causes of marital strain
  • The second part of the workshop will equip you to work together with your spouse to budget and create a healthy family culture in relation to money
  • Participants will be rotated between groups so you get the opportunity to get to know more people + maybe even find a kindred spirit
  • Optional hang out / games in the same space afterwards!

Money is a good servant but a terrible master. Money can be used to do great good, but it can also be the source of stress and one of the main reasons that relationships breakdown. If we can be equipped to have a healthy (holy) relationship with money and learn to master it, not only will we thrive and become the stewards that God has created us to be, but so will our relationships and purpose.

You will be one of the first groups in Singapore to experience this experimental interactive workshop using the psychometric personality profiling tool, which will begin to roll out in local companies, schools, churches, and organizations in the near future. The workshop will be facilitated & taught by Alexander Wiraatmaja, an established wealth advisor who does these workshops in churches and corporate large/small groups.

Please fill out the form below to RSVP for the event. 

This mixer is one of many opportunities to get to know one another. We know that sometimes connection takes time and more diverse activities are needed for you to get to know someone, so there will be optional follow-up gatherings. Those attending this mixer will also get access to an optional WhatsApp chat group where the community is encouraged to interact & organise group activities

To ensure quality interaction in this workshop, we will keep our seating capacity limited to 15 men & 15 women.

Ticket price is $25, inclusive of cost of space rental + a digital psychometric personality profiling worth USD $10.


*Do note that upon submission, we will screen through applicants. We will contact you to confirm your registration via WhatsApp.



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Idream of Eden. We were made for the Garden and the full pleasure of paradise. We got separated at Eden and we spend our whole lives searching for a way back into that secret paradise. All of life's pursuit + pain + questioning can be traced back to man's search for home. Our deepest instincts tell us that we are not home outside of this reality, and our souls will never stop searching until we return. Only there will we find rest and our true being. There, we begin to dream again the dreams that have laid asleep in our hearts all along.

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