Godly Wives: Love’s Destiny (By Rebecca Lim)

A guest post. Godly Wives is a space where women talk candidly and honestly about real issues in marriage.

When my husband asked me to be his girlfriend, the first reply that I gave would have thrown off any guy or probably scared them away, “Is this for real and serious? Are we headed for marriage?”

I knew in my heart that if it was not headed in that direction, it would not be worth my time.

Life is precious and short and I knew that there was a purpose to life, my life. More importantly, I knew that God had given me a destiny to fulfill and there was no time to waste on a guy who just wanted to date for fun.

According to Webster, destiny is defined as “what happens in the future”. When 2 people come together, there is love. We love because He first loved us. He loved us so much that He gave his only begotten Son, so that we may have a future. And so I believe that we love for a purpose, we love for what happens in the future. Out of Adam’s ribs, God made Eve, a helpmate for Adam. They were one flesh, their destinies intertwined.  And their main purpose on earth: to take care of the Garden of Eden.

And so I wondered and wondered, and wondered about my destiny, about his destiny.

My husband and I are two very different persons from completely different worlds. He is extroverted, I am introverted. He is extravagant, I am thrifty. He is happy-go-lucky, I am a deep thinker. His world was one of overflow and supply, my world was one of lack and demands.

And so we thought and we talked, and prayed about our destiny.

We were both interested in different things. He loves playing music in a band while I am terrified of the stage. He loves children, I was averse to them but I loved reaching out to the youths.

We tried serving together and serving apart. We joined the worship team and the youth ministry together. While he was in the army, I became a social worker. When I became children’s art educator, he became a youth worker. Now I am serving God as a stay home mom, he is serving God in the cell group. And now we both believe we are heading in the same direction.

Our wedding day felt like a full-day dinner and dance event. I’d never smiled so much in my life. At the stroke of midnight, all the glamor and glitz was over. We packed up, and the carriage turned back into a pumpkin. Yet marriage is more than just the ceremony, more than the daily routines. I refuse to believe that life just goes back to normal. There is a greater purpose in becoming husband and wife. In this race towards destiny, we are running towards the finishing line. My husband is the captain of the team and we are running side-by-side. Sometimes he may be running the hurdles and I’m just running along. At times he may be running in front, leading the way. Perhaps in certain instances, we may be running the 2-legged race together. But the ultimate goal is the same. We know we want to bring up our children with kingdom values and we hope to inspire other children and youths with kingdom values too.

So just take a step into God’s loving arms together as a couple. Rest at His throne of grace. Be empowered by His truth and reach out to what He has destined for your lives.


Rebecca, together with her wonderful husband Shem and kiddos Nat & Noe, live on the tiny red dot island of Singapore. She used to be a social worker, an art educator, and is now a SAHM who is working from home part-time. When she is not earning her keep or running after her kiddos, she loves making stuff for the home and family. Find more of her writing at Jarful of Plenty.

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Idream of Eden. We were made for the Garden and the full pleasure of paradise. We got separated at Eden and we spend our whole lives searching for a way back into that secret paradise. All of life's pursuit + pain + questioning can be traced back to man's search for home. Our deepest instincts tell us that we are not home outside of this reality, and our souls will never stop searching until we return. Only there will we find rest and our true being. There, we begin to dream again the dreams that have laid asleep in our hearts all along.

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