The Point of Beauty
“Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” Proverbs 31
To conclude this series, now that she has been beautified in her inner chambers, how is the princess to enter the presence of the King?
When one goes before a King, rather than expect a gift, one should always bring a gift. At that point in the presence of the King, it is no longer about me; the focus is on him. It is about the King – what he likes, what he dislikes, what he wills. The whole purpose of the beautification and preparation process was simply this: To please the King.
Reaching the zenith of inner beauty is not the main point. The beautification is simply a means to oneness with Him; to access new depths of intimacy with, and for the pleasure of, the King . All beauty and charm fades, and at the end of all things when it’s all been said and done, only one thing remains – Did I live my life for love of the King?
Therefore, it is worthy to note that in our quest for inner beauty, we must not forget Who we are doing it for.
I mind, the beauty presence of God is the most important, in that point , I can say: the world is full from things THAT are not important because this things don’t have eternity….