Our hearts have some fundamental questions about our Abba.
Is He real? // Does He like me? // Am I worth it to Him? // Can I trust Him completely? // Does He really have good stored up for me? // If He really knew me, would He like me? // Has He forgotten me? // Does He care? // If God loves me, why am I suffering? // If God is good, why did He allow that to happen?
There are different expressions + levels, but they can be traced back to Eve’s cardinal question: Is He for me?
These are questions we work our lives to find the answer to – through the pursuit of wealth, success, approval, perfection, religion, etc – and the futile desperation of the search is further exacerbated by the almost-universal unspoken agreement in the Church that good Christians don’t challenge the system.
For real? Good Christians don’t question the system, don’t rock the boat, don’t step outta line. Hogwash.
There is often a deep-seated shame attached to our core questions because of this deception. Shame for doubting, shame for not knowing, shame for wondering why…. and as a result? Shame for who we fundamentally are.
Because the answers we get to “Is God for me?” become the very root from which all other fruit of our lives flow.
And I think: Maybe we need to pull on the brakes, stop and think this through for a bit. Perhaps it’s time we stopped drinking the Kool-Aid of religiosity, and instead sat by the streams of Living Water to hear what the Lord’s heart is in all this.
God is not insecure.
Can we start by saying this? God is not afraid of our questions. Neither is He an angry, ungenerous dictator who is ready to pounce on us when we mess up.
God is a good, good Father with a heart as wide as the universe, and He can take your questions. In fact, He planted those questions in you.
The purpose of questions are meant to draw you deeper into His heart. Misty Edwards puts it this way: Hunger is the escort into the deeper things of You.
The book of Proverbs says, “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; and the honor of kings to seek it out.”
There is a biblical mandate to know God + study His Word by asking questions and seeking answers, and it’s seen in examples all through the Bible:
- Abraham received one of the greatest pictures of God’s covenant of grace when he asked God the impertinent question, “O Lord God, how am I to know that I shall posses it?”
- Job got a response, and subsequently a revelation of God’s nature + power, because he dared to ask the hard questions that offended his religious friends.
- Moses went into a deeper relationship with God when he asked bold questions like “What is your name?”, “Show me your ways” and ” Show me your glory”.
- David, who lived close to God’s heart, was full of (oftentimes angsty) questions.
- The whole prophetic book of Habakkuk was built around a dialog between God and the prophet Habbakuk as he asked God a series of questions.
- Peter’s letters to the Romans + Corinthians were built around questions being asked and answered.
But the One who seemed to love questions the most was Jesus.
Jesus spoke in parables so He could clearly define those in the inner circle and those on the outside.
The mark of distinction? The inner circle (His disciples) came to Him with many questions; the outer circle (the religious people) did not.
Jesus commended His disciples for asking Him about the meaning of His parables, saying that the questioners had found the secret of the Kingdom of God (Mark 4:10.11). He got angry at the Pharisees when they stopped asking questions and were silent (Mark 3:5).
Jesus told us to ask, seek, and knock.
In essence, God’s heart has always been this — “Press in closer to Me. Seek Me. Seek Me and you will find Me. Ask Me all the things you don’t understand, come to Me with your questions — I put those questions there so that you’d come running to Me. Then I will answer and show You wonderful things you don’t yet know. Let your questions drive you closer to My heart. Dare to ask, boldly seek. I don’t rebuke questions, I welcome them. Your questions are not a sign of unbelief, only a need for understanding which I am only too willing to give to you. Stubborn refusal to acknowledge the doubts and questions is what angers Me, for it is religious pride to think that you have it all. Come to Me, beloved, just as you are. Bare your heart, lay down the religious armor that keeps weighing you down. Sit with Me, speak with Me, ASK. I will answer you, and even more than that, I will reveal Myself to you. That’s a promise.”
So maybe I think that we need to humble ourselves a little.
Find that humility to say that we don’t have to know everything, because we belong to an all-knowing God.
To be humble like a child so we have courage to try, seek, fall, and keep trying again without ever feeling like we’ve lost our dignity.
To get that special brand of humble-pie that isn’t caught up with “What will they think of me?” and is all absorbed with following after our father.
Oh that we would find the humility to finally admit “Oh God, I need You!” so our souls can finally breathe in relief from that tireless religious strife that leads us nowhere.
Jesus’ parables were deliberately told to confound the holy/wise (in their own eyes) and to edify the humble/those who sought Jesus with a pure heart.
And I really believe that it’s in the losing of ourselves that we find who we really are. Because like I said before, the answers we get to “Is God for me?” become the very root from which all other fruit of our lives flow.
So beloved one, today can I release you to go to Him with your questions?
Enter in behind the veil, bare-faced, no holds barred. Ask Him honestly, then wait.
I LOVED this post. It made me think particularly of a girl I mentor who has SOOOO many questions about God and is not sure if she is a Christian because she feels that all of her questions mean that she is too doubtful to be saved. I loved where you said: “I put those questions there so that you’d come running to Me. Then I will answer and show You wonderful things you don’t yet know. Let your questions drive you closer to My heart. Dare to ask, boldly seek.”
I will tell her this truth. Thank you!
It’s always so refreshing to know that God is always there to lean on!
“So we would go running to Him” Yes!
if we would only be bold enough to come to God with everything…
You know, it is so funny that you posted this. I have had quite a few times where I would question something I read in the Bible whether to myself or to my mother and then I would come across the answer in the Bible, on a blog post (found on pinterest), on someone else’s FB status, and at church.
I have no doubt in my mind that God is real and that He hears me.
Thank you for this reminder.
Beautiful post, so encouraging and challenging at the same time.
<3 Glad to hear your thoughts on this! <3
I love that, “God is not insecure”. People often try to put God into the human mold be He not us.
I love the idea of the honor of seeking the answers. I know that when I have a question or a doubt and seek His answers in His word, I always get an answer, even when I open to the daily reading of my plan or a random passage or section that sprang to mind when I prayed. He becomes so real to me in the seeking. I think the seeking is very important. Great insights!
Your post came at a time when I am reading a book called – The laws of the spirit world. Your post answered so many of my doubts and put a few fears to rest.
Amen! This is the theme of 2 Chronicles–to seek God. This is indeed God’s plea for everyone and this must be our full-time pursuit–to seek Him so we can experience joy and peace despite difficulties in life.
Wrote something similar to this one: https://leaningonjesusalone.wordpress.com/2015/10/03/our-full-time-pursuit/
“become like a child” at first I struggled with this. I was like really? But I know and learned so much. But I was wrong. Children are not only willing to accept more but they have no fear. As an adult I’ve learned so much, yes. But I have also learned to fear.
Yes! It’s time to stop accepting what religion tells us and to seek the face of God. I think the prophets are a great example of individuals who were not afraid to get real with God. They got angry, cried, lashed out, but it never prevented God from using them. The more we seek him the more we will find. When we stop asking, stop pursuing, we die. This post was on point.
What a beautiful post.. Gives one a lot to think about. Your photos are amazing too. Blessings to you and your family
What a beautiful post! You’ve turned from the surface and dived deeply into heart of the matter. I simply love: “it’s time we stopped drinking the Kool-Aid of religiosity, and instead sat by the streams of Living Water to hear what the Lord’s heart is in all this.”
A lovely post which asks us to ask ourselves some important life questions. What do we believe in? What is important to us? Where do we stand in our beliefs in the spiritual world? Although I come from a different perspective than you, I respect and accept all people for who they are and what they believe, as I truly believe in people and as we are all in this together here on Planet Earth creating acceptance and leading with compassion and love, is really more important than ever.
Wow, this entire post is great. “God is not insecure.
Can we start by saying this? God is not afraid of our questions. Neither is He an angry, ungenerous dictator who is ready to pounce on us when we mess up.”jumped off the page for me, thank you!
I love parables because they always answer a question I have.
Great, great post. I have found asking those hard questions does bring us much closer to Him. God is good, all.the.time.
Thank you for this post. We had a tough weekend and I find myself asking some hard questions to myself and to God. I need some answers as to why certain things keep happening, especially to our family, but I haven’t found my answers yet. Hopefully soon!
Our God is most definitely a mighty Big God who can and does desire to have honest dialogue with us. 🙂
Carrie & Chanda
I am thrilled to death that our Father can handle our doubts, fears, and questions that rise out of us. He is loving and kind enough to allow his children to come to him with anything. Let’s praise Him for that alone.
Thank you for such an inspiring post. It truly has uplifted my day.
LOVE this post. It is so filled with truth and absolutely beautifully written.
I truly love your blog, Samantha!!