Part of this was a word sent out in November’s newsletter. I feel that it is really important for as many people to have access to it as possible, so I am posting it here as well. Read it, process, let it go deep. And maybe share it with your spheres of influence so they can hear it too.
Beloved, where September + October were months of positioning + planting, November is a month of budding.
September + October was a time of transitioning into a new season, and many of you have been experiencing supernatural shifts, changes, and promotion in your work + personal life + finances. The 9th month marked the very end of the birthing period for many of us. Just as a mother carries her child to full term, many of God’s promises + vision that have been nurtured in our hearts are ready to birth forth.
October also marked a new beginning for many. Whatever that was not from God came tumbling down so God could establish His Kingdom in us. And those who have been yielding to His process will be sent to build in others (people, nations, communities) the very thing that God has been building in them.
And November has just begun, another key landmark in God’s timeline.
You have been positioned, now flourish where you’re planted.
You have been abiding, now thrive as you remain deeply rested.
You will accomplish more in the next two years than you have in all your years thus far. Stay true to the course on which you have been placed.
Let your roots dig deep. Deeper and deeper in His Love.
“Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”
Jeremiah 17
This is the crucial principal for the season: The outward fruit must always only be a small fraction compared to the depth of your roots.
That is the only way that you will produce lasting fruit.
You need to dig deep wells, not high towers. Focus on growing deep; let God be the One to grow you tall + wide.
“What shall we say the kingdom of God is like, or what parable shall we use to describe it? It is like a mustard seed, which is the smallest of all seeds on earth. Yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches that the birds can perch in its shade.”
Mark 4:30-32
This goes against the system of the world, and it is precisely what will make you a powerful light + refuge in these times of growing darkness.
You are not alone in this journey. You have a family standing, contending, for the same holiness in these days.
Maybe say this prayer together with us —
Lord, we pray for a supernatural thirst in our spirit man — let us thirst + hunger for You so we are not satisfied by the works of our own hands, but only by the presence of the Living God. Like the tower of Babel, we ask that you thwart any man-made effort to raise ourselves up. We want You to have all glory + honor. Because You said that when You are lifted up, You will draw all men to Yourself. Be so lifted up in our lives, we pray. Amen.
praise Him for His Holy Word today! 😀
God’s has given us guidance in following spiritual counsel by following the wisdom of the seasons. Digging deep and connection with others is important to survive the long cold night of winter.
I do, indeed feel this is a time of budding for me. I feel like there’s so much joy inside it’s just bubbling outwards. It’s not because of anything specific. I’m just grateful and content in my life with God.
This in indeed my friend is a word in season. I was look over my life over the past few I see God constantly spurring and doing a new thing in the month of October and last month was no different. I ACCEPT THIS AS FROM THE LORD. May HIS will be done. May we continually stay grounded in Him.
Very inspiring post. I admit i’m not much of a religious person as I’ve been burned too many times by people claiming to be doing God’s work but I do feel there is a higher power guiding us all.
I love digging deeper with a supportive community. Thanks for sharing. I look forwarding to reading more.
Hi, tweeted you here:
I agree. This is definitely a month of change and feeling “in over my head” – love the different though and focus on this (end of 9 months)
Oh how true this is. We are always in a change of season. Having faith and living it out definitely does against the world, but oh how we overcome when we do. Thanks for the good word.
and i receive that in Jesus’ wonderful and holy name! 😀
so beautiful! I hope you are having a wonderful fall. <3
This is so encouraging. These words are definitely true of my life right now. Bring on November!
Great way to bring on a new month and feel motivated toward change.
I started reading this and instantly felt an anointing. I relate so much to this description. The past two months have been full of transition and placement and I am believing wholeheartedly for growth and harvest to BEGIN this November.
I totally felt this resonate with my spirit. I feel like I’m still being planted in some areas, but we have seen a shift in our finances and our responsibilities. I’ve certainly felt the Lord encourage me to dig deep. And I thank you for sharing!
and praise Him for the work that He’s doing in each of our lives! 😀
This really spoke to me. I have been contemplating a change in my life, but haven’t had complete peace. I believe the answer is that I need to rest where I am and let my roots grow deep. Thank you
Beautiful words! Thank you for sharing such great wisdom – what a blessing that is!
What a beautiful post! I love this… “You have been positioned, now flourish where you’re planted.”
I love reading posts like yours as they bring a whole new perspective to God’s words and wisdom. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
Mmm. Great word. Love the images and the thoughts here. “thrive as you remain deeply rested” “dig deep wells.” Amen–Lord, increase my hunger for you today. Sink my roots deep in you.
This word is so right on. My spirit just resonates with each word and I sense God’s presence as I read it.
This is exactly what God has been speaking to my heart about my business/influence and even about where my family is at right now.
My heart is excited and I want so much to hear the Lord’s voice and leading…being obedient to that voice and not just hearing it and then forgetting what He said.
My heart says “yes” the Lord. I am so thankful for His goodness, faithfulness and hand on our lives. Even when it has been difficult and I haven’t been able to see where we’ve been going I know He is with us and He has not forsaken us.
Thank you so much for sharing this. I appreciate your heart.
I really needed to hear this today. I found it to be helpful for what I’m going through right now.
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