The Lion’s End-Time Revelation

Five years ago, the Lord showed me thorugh a series of visions + scripture a picture of the end time army His Spirit is raising up.

I’ve shared this revelation in tiny snippets to different people as the Lord led, but kept mostly silent because He said, “Don’t share this yet.” This season, I sense the release to share a little bit more of its entirety with you.

I pray that Holy Spirit would take His word and plant them as living seeds in your spirit. May they find good soil, take root, grow deep, and bear much fruit, in Jesus’ name.

I saw a lion asleep, and a voice said, “This is Singapore, the Lion of Asia.” Then the Lion of Judah, Jesus, came in. He walked past the sleeping lion, and with a flick of His tail gently touched his head. At His touch, the Lion of Asia began to wake up. Then a loud voice declared, “Arise, arise, shake off your slumber and release your sound.” The Lion of Asia obeyed that decree and began to roar. That sound reverberated through Asia and to the rest of the world.

Revival has come, and is coming in greater measure still, to Singapore. That awakening will cause a ripple effect across the nations. It used to be that the West sent their missionaries to the East to spread the message of the gospel, but in these days the Lord is raising up an army in the East to go back and bring His fires of Revival to the West. We are seeing that happening around us and within the ministry! People around the world are coming to our little prayer team in this little nation for prayer, counseling, coaching, and prophetic direction from the Lord. It is time for us to arise, shake off our slumber, and release our sound!

He’s raising up an army to follow after the Lion of Judah. Their only fear is the fear of the Lord, and that is why they are characterized by:

1. Unity. They march and don’t break rank. No strife, no competition. Each knows his place and marches in line with his brothers + Jesus the commander.
2. Humility. It’ll be a nameless, faceless army. No super stars. Only Jesus gets the glory.
3. Purity. Their tools in the harvest fields are banners – white banners, the standard of purity. And as they lift it up, He draws all men to Jesus Christ.

When we were praying over the generation, I saw the word “INFLUENCE”. This generation will have influence that is both wide and deep. The Lion of Asia’s roar will ring through the nations.

For us to carry the huge influence God wants to give us, the Children of God really need to abide in Him.  Since 2011, there has been a deep cry in my heart to see the Glory of God in my life, in the lives of others, in my generation, and in this world. I have been echoing the plea of Moses (Exodus 33:12-23) and crying out for His glory to come amongst us and go forth to the nations, until one day I felt the Spirit of God stop me in the middle of prayer, saying, “You ask for My Glory to come; you ask for revival and the outpouring of my Holy Spirit. But do not ask for this so flippantly as you might ask for a toy – the Glory of God is not something that comes lightly.”

The Glory of God is not a fluffy, flighty thing – when it comes, it also brings with it judgment of all that is unholy, for our God is a consuming fire. The Lion’s roar will consume us, it might hurt in the parts of us that have yet to be submitted to His lordship, but it will also set a blaze in our hearts that will become a saving light to a world living in darkness.


The time is coming when God is going to shake everything that can be shaken (Haggai 2: 6-10). He does so because He is love, and He is coming back for a pure and spotless Bride. Now is the time to build the house of God, not our own houses – God’s plan, not our plans.

Shaking is going to come and is already happening – politically, financially, relationally, naturally. There will be a distinct separation of that which is of God and that which is not. Only that which is birthed out of God’s plans, agenda, wisdom will remain; all of man’s agenda, wisdom, motives, ambition, will be completely destroyed. If we have not learned to judge things not by the way they appear to the physical eyes, but to discern in the Spirit, then we will waver when we “hear of wars and rumors of wars”.

God’s people must begin to live in God’s ways and not our own ways, every moment of everyday – only then will we be able to stand firm, and after everything, to remain standing (Ephesians 6:13). Only those who remain standing are able to help others who could not stand, who are lost, and to feed the dying world with Fruit from the Vine.

To illustrate this point, the following is a series of other conversations, impressions, visions, and dreams that the Lord gave to me years ago.

1. Dreams.

i. DREAM: A group of people were in a high-rise building. A flood swept in without warning, and when I next opened my eyes, I was on top of a wooden raft – everywhere I turned there was only water, water, water. No buildings, no people, nothing. I tried to reach down my hand to salvage/safe some, but could not reach them as the water was so deep. The water submerged everything.

ii. DREAM: I was sitting in a fighter plane in the seat behind the Pilot. There was a war going on, but somehow I felt so much peace, well-being, and safety with this Pilot. He turned to me and said, “We have to go into enemy territory.” Many other things happened in the dream that are not relevant for the purpose of this article, but the one thing that is relevant is that at some point in the dream, the Pilot steered the plane over a city full of high-rise buildings. Every building that we flew past was completely torn down in an instant, and all that was left was rubble.

iii. DREAM: I was in an open space, when I looked up and saw snow flakes approaching in the distance. Everybody rejoiced, “Snow! Snow!”, but they did not see that the tiny snow flakes were increasing and it was an avalanche that was coming towards us. I turned around helplessly, and saw that I was in front of a house; a big, strong man stood in the open doorway, and he reached out his hand to take mine and pulled me into the house. He slammed the door shut just as the avalanche reached. When it was over, he opened the door, and we waded through snow that was high up to my shoulders. We then began to reach down and pull up few who had been buried by the avalanche, but were still alive. Many were already dead.

INTERPRETATION OF DREAMS: High-rise buildings are man-made, lofty things. The flood/avalanche is His revival, born out of water which is Holy Spirit, that comes at a time when no one expects. When His glory comes in, everything that is made from human wisdom/ambition/strength will be completely wiped away. Only those which have been built on Jesus will remain. Just like those who only had fun in the “Snow!” instead of warning others about the avalanche, we must beware of people who preach only what itching ears want to hear instead of warning God’s people about what is to come. These false teachers are like those described in Jeremiah 6:14, “They dress the wound of my people superficially, as though it were not serious. ‘Peace, peace,’ they say, when there is no peace”.

2. Visions.

i. There was a huge tornado that swept up everything in its path. These are the words I felt in my heart, “The day of my Spirit will not be a day of great rejoicing, as you think. Instead, for most people it will be a day of great mourning, because My Glory will cause great destruction on the earth. Much that man has worked for will be utterly destroyed.”

ii. A huge bolt of lightning shot from the sky and hit the earth. These are the words I felt in my heart when I asked God for the meaning of what I was seeing, “With My Presence comes with great power, but it cannot be controlled, manipulated, nor generated by man. It will destroy anything that is not of compatible substance with It.”

3. Logos and Rhema.

i. I was praying about one of the dreams that I was particularly troubled over, when I felt a prompting so loud I was literally jolted from my seat, “Luke 4:32”. I turned to the passage, and it said, “Yet when planted, it (the mustard seed) grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches that the birds can perch in its shade.” Understanding dawned upon me, as revelation poured into me like a waterfall – those who are willing to die will find life again. When that happens, then we will be firmly rooted like trees planted by the water, unmovable and remaining fresh and green regardless of outside circumstances. Furthermore, we will also be able to provide help, strength and hope to others in those times of shaking, just as the tree provides shelter for the birds.

ii. I was troubled over the dream of the flood (the terrible sadness of the dream was still so fresh), and I was praying. These are the words I felt in my heart, “I promised Noah that never again would I flood the earth with water. This time, it is My spirit that will flood the earth. It will be a time of rejoicing for those who are for God, but most will mourn, even many in the Church.” Even many in the Church are still doing things according to human understanding, not God’s. If Holy Spirit were to walk out of our Church services today, how many of us would notice the difference? A time is coming soon when His Spirit will be poured out on all flesh, and when that day comes, if everything must bow down at the name of Jesus, how much of what we’ve built our lives on today will stand?

iii. Book of Haggai.

This is all I am released to share at this point, and I will share more when the Lord releases me to.  I pray that Holy Spirit brings His words to life in your hearts!

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The Next Level + An Impartation

The Lord has been saying over and over again that many of His faithful children will be taken to a new level in July. He has also been warning us that the enemy will push hard against us because we’re about to move to the next level, and He’s given us strategies to overcome the enemy’s attacks.

On the second day of July, I had a pivotal, life-defining encounter with Him. Suddenly I was soaring in the spirit, so light and free. I was on a giant eagle, rising higher and higher. Jesus was soaring next to me on another giant eagle, the wind in His hair and He was laughing with joy. He took me over a citadel and showed me that He’s taking some of us higher up in the spirit than ever before. Through intimacy with Him, there will be new levels of prophetic insight + foresight, a new level of accuracy + authority. A new way of seeing + doing things, not as “how things were done before” or “what is expected”, but led solely by Holy Spirit, according to THRONE ROOM revelation. And I heard this song He sang over me, “Will you trust ME and soar with Me?”

Before I do the impartation for breaking through to the next level, the Lord said it was very important that I first speak about stewarding the move of God before I release it. Because He is not just interested in a visitation but a habitation, not just the gifts but how to sustain them so they bless us and don’t crush us.

In the coming season, His emphasis is on walking with Holy Spirit.

These 3 things will be very important when it comes to walking with Holy Spirit:

1. PRAYER. A constant connection to our Father, apart from whom we can do nothing. Many of us have not reached the point where we live with such bold faith that we would certainly fail apart from God, but the next level will bring us there. He is taking us to a place of such extravagant favor + opportunity that we would be unable to carry the load unless we remain deeply rooted in Him. We must resolve to commit to press deep into Him, or we will remain where we’re at and not advance.

2. INTIMACY. Getting so close to Jesus, as close as our softest breath. The lovers will always outdo the workers, because if one gave his life for love he would count it as nothing. God is looking for His laid-down lovers who would drop everything to say a broken, “Yes, Lord” to Him. We must not confuse anointing/gifting with intimacy — God gives me gifts to show His love to the world through me, but intimacy is a depth of a knowing between just Him and me that takes time to build. Jesus said that in the last days, many would say “Lord didn’t we do deliverance, prophesy in your name…?” and Jesus will say, “Away from Me, I never knew you.” It is very possible to be flowing in all the spiritual gifts and yet not know/be known by God. Pursue His heart, not his hand. Pursue His kingdom, and everything else will be added to you.

3. DEPENDANCE. These are the days where we need Holy Spirit more than ever. We need His wisdom, His comfort, His power, and for Him to move hearts the way no human being could. We need to partner with Him in everything that we do, and that requires us to become dependant. Dependance means acknowledging our need of Him, inviting Him to come in and take charge in every area, and trusting in Him by obeying instantly whenever He speaks. Too many in our generation have adopted “conditional obedience” into their walk with God, obeying only when it’s easy or convenient — God is either Lord of all, or not Lord at all.

I have been more serious than usual in my dealings with some of you because I feel the urgency of the Lord for us to get in step with Him. I speak all this in love and earnestly desire that we would all be brought deeper into His heart. He has so much good stored up for us this month and in the months to come, and I pray that all of us would be found ready to receive it when He opens those doors.

Praying for every heart reading/watching this today!

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The Next Level

Go through our articles from the past couple months and you know that July is a significant month in God’s calendar.

The Lord has been saying over and over again that many of His faithful children will be taken to a new level in July. He has also been warning us that the enemy will push hard against us because we’re about to move to the next level, and He’s given us strategies to overcome the enemy’s attacks (scroll through May + June articles).

True to His word, on July 2nd, I had a pivotal, life-defining encounter with Him.

One of the things He said to me was this:  Prayer and intimacy is where all the ministry MUST be birthed. Not plans, programs, but in following the leading of My Holy Spirit in ALL things. A new level of prophetic insight + foresight. A new level of accuracy + authority. You will be taken into the Throne Room, and you must throw out old models + mindsets of what “women’s ministry” looks like or “how things were done before” or “what is expected”, but led by Holy Spirit, according to THRONE ROOM revelation. I am calling you higher into new levels of revelation, into the Throne Room of heaven, and you must let go of what you “knew before” and old ways of doing things because they won’t work with the new things I’m doing. I am leading you to do MY ministry in a new, cutting-edge way. New wineskin for new wine.

So I wanted to take some time and update you on some of the new things that are happening around here.

If you’ve known us long enough, you know that we don’t function like how most women’s ministries are expected to be. We don’t have a set of standard conferences or publications, and we don’t launch a new collection once every quarter like clockwork. We do things as the Lord shows us to. We want everything we do to be birthed out of prayer and intimacy, to be Spirit-breathed because we believe lives can only be impacted deeply when His Spirit is present. (At the same time, we don’t think that ministries that do have a standard set of programs are wrong. We’re all just called to serve Him differently!) We believe God is our CEO and we seek to be led by His Spirit, to be presence driven instead of program driven.

CreateCollective: Starting from July, we will open the doors of our monthly worship nights half-an-hour earlier. In this pre-worship time, we will have ministry teams ready to minister to you through prophecy, prophetic song, prophetic dance, prophetic art, and any other way that Holy Spirit leads. This will be the time to come if you need healing, deliverance, or a word of direction from the Lord. We will also be starting monthly community nights this month, because we believe that building relationship is just as important an aspect of worship.

**More details + sign up for the CreateCollective community under the “Get Involved” menu at the top – open to men and women across the globe.

Prophetic Equipping: It started as a Bible Study group, but as our classes evolved we found the Lord leading us away from following a set of study materials and toward following His Spirit’s agenda for each session. As such, we will no longer be doing this in batches (previously was limited to 10 people per batch, one batch per year) because we don’t see a definitive “completion” date for the classes. Rather, each session builds on the foundation of the previous one and there’s no limit to how far we can go. Therefore, we are now opening these sessions for all who are interested to grow in the prophetic together with a community of believers across denominations.

**More details + sign up for Prophetic Equipping under the “Get Involved” menu at the top – open to Singapore residents only.

Godly Womanhood Sisterhood: The Lord spoke to us about our community of volunteers being like Gideon’s 300 men – we start small, dig deep, and build strong – so we screen through all applications and only receive those who are committed to run together. We believe it is friendship that sustains the ministry, and we’re not interested just in what you can do, but also who you are and how we can run together with you. We’re a sisterhood of women who seek to run in the fullness of our calling, each having the space to use our spiritual gifts, and serving other women by calling them to the fullness of their calling.  To run together as a sisterhood of lionesses – together, unique, but as one.

**More details + sign up for our Volunteer community under the “Get Involved” menu at the top – open to Singapore residents only.

Finances: The Godly Womanhood Shop supports all our ministry work in Singapore, and around the globe. Out of that, we also give 20% to bless other ministries. None of our volunteers (myself included, as the ministry’s first full-time volunteer) take a single cent from the profit, and it all goes to sustain + grow the ministry work.

**You can support the ministry by shopping at the store, or by making a donation to help us reach more women.

And that’s it for now! We wanted to keep you updated as the Lord leads us to grow + evolve, and we’d love for you to get in touch if anything of what we shared resonates with you.

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Idream of Eden. We were made for the Garden and the full pleasure of paradise. We got separated at Eden and we spend our whole lives searching for a way back into that secret paradise. All of life's pursuit + pain + questioning can be traced back to man's search for home. Our deepest instincts tell us that we are not home outside of this reality, and our souls will never stop searching until we return. Only there will we find rest and our true being. There, we begin to dream again the dreams that have laid asleep in our hearts all along.

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